Apply What We Have Learnt - A classic example
There was a written examination on the subject of Psychology in a university and one of the questions asked was, "What is gut?".
Many candidates who were examination-smart wrote paragraph after paragraph to define "gut" and explain what it is and when it is to be applied etc. It was understood that the one who got full mark for this particular question was the one who wrote within the A4-sized answer sheet these three words, "This is gut." That's all.
The three-word answer obviously tells the examiner that this candidate has learnt and understood the true meaning of gut and applied it right on. This is the difference between being theoretical and being practical about things we learn.
My question to students, have you learnt from what you have studied and have you applied what you have learnt? You might have studied and obtained an A for the subject, Home Economics in Secondary One and Two, but have you practically cooked a meal at home for your family, by applying what you have learnt in school?
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