Let's be more positive in what we say...
A boy came home one day and showed his mother his spelling test results. The mother looked at it and said, "Why didn't you get 10/10? Why did you get two wrong? ". The boy looked at his mother quietly in despair, feeling disheartened deep inside.
It is far too common that we focus on the negative rather than the positive. The boy's feelings and reaction would obviously be different if the mother were to say, "Wow! You have done well. Try to get 9 or 10/10 in your next spelling test. I believe you can do it." This positive comment would bring about positive reactions and positive results.
This sort of situation does not happen just between parents and children, but also between husbands and wives, superiors and subordinates, and between teachers and students. So, let's be more positive in our communications.
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