Energy and money savings with just a simple DIY exercise...
Lately, due to the increase in electricity tariffs, I have decided to cut expenses further by putting my DIY skills to good use. I have managed to replace all the existing fluorescent lamps into the energy saving installations on my own. And it saves a lot on installation when you DIY.
For the uninitiated, a lamp holder costs just S$2.50, a 20W energy saving bulb costs about S$7. So, each lamp costs less than S$10 when you DIY. The normal installation fees by most electricians range from S$30 to S$50. So, considering the replacement installation alone, I have already saved about $120 to $240.
Subsequently, the power consumption will be further reduced because the existing 40W fluorescent lamps are now replaced with 20W energy saving bulbs. So, that will yield at least 50% savings because not all fittings use 20W lamp, some use 15W or 9W depending on the size of the space. Furthermore, a 20W energy saving bulb emits about 100W equivalent of brightness.
So, it makes economical sense to convert all fluorescent fittings into energy saving installations.
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