Learn From The Terrorists and The Care-rorist™...
Life is a lifelong learning process. So, what can we learn from these two groups of people? Over the years, I have shared on many different platforms to encourage people to be successful by tuning our mind and our heart to the right frequency.
What we need to be successful is the MINDSET and DETERMINATION of Osama Bin Laden and the terrorists. They changed their minds. They have changed the world. They seem to have succeeded. I certainly do not condone terrorism and violence. But, we could borrow their strong mindset and apply it POSITIVELY to ensure our sweet and noble success.
What we need to be successful is also the LOVE of a care-rorist™ like the late Mother Teresa. She has also changed the world but with love. Love is a wonderful inner power and strength that guides us to do the right things. With love, there will be care and concern, with love there will be peace, with love there will be harmony, and with love there will be hope...
So, if we could have the strong mindset of the terrorists and the true love of the care-rorists™, we will achieve success in the most humane way that will be highly admired and widely emulated. Think about it!
I have another thought about money making - CASH, which is in my book entitled, "I Don't Like MLM!". But, I will share in the next article. Please come back and check it out.
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