Which School Do You Attend?
Those who attend the School of Hard-knocks usually prefer to learn things their own ways. They make it compulsory for themselves to go through a certain conventional learning path pretty much sequentially, thinking that they could eventually claim ownership of their own experience. Such people usually take a much longer time to learn and ultimately still arrive at just the same destination. Along the way, they accumulate their own experience which is nothing much but a bag of mistakes made here and there. That is why at the end of a certain learning path, people would usually say, "I have gained experience in this or that.". If experience were to be a bag of mistakes, would you still be so proud to claim that you are very experienced in certain things?
On the other hand, those who attend the School of O.P.E would learn from other people's experience. In essence, they are learning from other people's mistakes and making sure that they do not repeat them. They are smarter, wiser and able to make better use of their time to learn new things, venture into new grounds, and create a better future for themselves. There is nothing wrong in borrowing others' experience, learning from it and making it yours. By doing so, you would have saved enormous amount of time. If time equals money and life. Then, you would have made much more money and lived a more meaningful and fulfilling life, as a result of learning from other people's experience. Isn't it true?
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