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ReadFlection ...

This is a personal blog aimed at sharing useful information, pictures and videos with those who believe in lifelong learning.

Copyright © 2005-2014 by Jonathan Ooi. All Rights Reserved. No part of this blog may be reproduced in any form by any means without the prior consent of the author.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Homecooked Bak Kut Teh - with Prime Ribs and Spare Ribs

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Madonna - Like A Virgin

费翔 ~ 冬天里的一把火

葉蒨文 ~ 瀟灑走一回

FIVE Quotes for ReadFlection....

  1. ‎"There is always a place under the sun for those who are willing to put in Hard work with Honesty and Humility." ~ Jonathan Ooi

  2. "Nothing impresses more greatly than graciousness, gratefulness and gracefulness." ~ Jonathan Ooi

  3. "If you are working in an MNC, your brain is as good as, if not better than the expatriates, so there is no need to treat them like gods for if you do so, you will be treated like dogs." ~ Jonathan Ooi

  4. ‎"Never think that we are always right because we might be left with shame and humiliation." ~ Jonathan Ooi

  5. ‎"Whether at home or at work, do the first things first; when the priority is upset, everything else will be upset." ~ Jonathan Ooi

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

黃乙玲 - 成功一定是咱的

Monday, March 28, 2011


  1. “无论哪一个行业,要做得成功,就必须要先学会做人。” ~ Jonathan Ooi

  2. 父母对孩子的学业与学习有着举足轻重的影响;他们都有不同程度的要求,有些父母是“紧张大帅”型的、有些是“得过且过”型的,也有些是“漠不关心”型的。这些不同程度的要求都会给孩子们带来不同的心理反应,因此决定了孩子们的学习心态。~ Helena Hee

  3. “孩子小时父母要把守,孩子成人、成家后父母要放手;但是,很多父母的做法恰是相反,因此造成许多的问题。”~ Helena Hee

  4. “成功或失败都是我们个人的选择,都是取决于我们的心态。” ~ Jonathan Ooi

  5. 为了避免或减少事后的遗憾或后悔,我们每做一件事或一个决定的时候,应该周详、认真地考虑其前因后果,不要太过敷衍、草率。~ Jonathan Ooi

Sunday, March 27, 2011

What about replacing Coffee with Oo Long Tea or Green Tea?

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Doing Charity in Prosperity and Adversity...

Doing charity when one is in prosperity is a given, most people can do it without difficulty; but, doing charity when one is in adversity is undoubtedly giving with a true and pure heart. It's highly invaluable. 把自己有剩余的拿出来施于、帮助他人,一般人都做得到;但是,当自己处于缺乏或不足的状况时还能施舍、援助他人,这一种爱心是真心、珍贵又感人的。~ Jonathan Ooi

Friday, March 25, 2011

Some Quotes for ReadFlection...

  1. ‎"Don't do something for the sake of doing it; instead, do it with a clear and good purpose so that what is done is meaningful and significant." ~ Jonathan Ooi
  2. ‎"No matter how competent you are or how much you have contributed to the organisation, you won't be recognised unless you are visible to your boss or superior." ~ Jonathan Ooi
  3. ‎"External motivation is at best a booster, unless the spirit within is fired up and kept burning unceasingly with zeal and enthusiasm." ~ Jonathan Ooi
  4. "History has absolutely no value if we learn nothing from it." ~ Jonathan Ooi
  5. ‎"In the new knowledge-based economy, it's imperative that we constantly learn, unlearn and relearn in the context of lifelong learning." ~ Jonathan Ooi

呂珊 ~ 心愛的小馬車/ 誰來愛我/淚的小雨

Thursday, March 24, 2011


一名有效的老师不只是教导学生有关课本的内容以应付考试,而是进一步教导学生们学习的方法与技巧,好让他们在掌握了正确的方法与技巧之后,能够自动自发地独立学习各种不同的知识,让他们一生受惠无穷。~ Jonathan Ooi

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


当我们对人对事一知半解,做起事来会三心二意,搞不好,还会闹得团队四分五裂;除非大家尽力学习把队员的五脏六腑摸透了,不然做起事来总是心里七上八下,就算是费了九牛二虎之力,还是无法信心十足地将事情做到十全十美的地步。~ Jonathan Ooi

Quote on Communications...

‎"To ensure a smooth and pleasant communication, be it written or verbal, it's good to avoid using words that are emotionally-charged, ulteriorly-motivated and sarcastically-phrased." ~ Jonathan Ooi

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


“人生若要真开心,生活要用平常心,对人不要太多心,最好将心来比心,做事学习要专心,最好是要有恒心,遇到难处不担心,应付挑战靠信心,一定能够放下心,待人有礼有爱心,感情爱情要专心,不要变得太花心,处事待人自扪心,是否对得起良心,若是遇到不开心,找个知己谈谈心,心里自然会开心。” ~ Jonathan Ooi

About Delegation of Responsibilities...

‎"When a manager delegates his responsibilities to his subordinates, he is still ultimately responsible for the performance results. But, some ineffective managers abdicate his responsibilities totally. This is unsound and unfair management practice." ~ Jonathan Ooi

Monday, March 21, 2011

Why worry?

There are two possibilities about something that has not happened: 1.>It will happen; or 2.>It will not happen. Should it happen, start thinking and working on the solutions; should it not happen, do nothing. In either case, there is nothing to worry about. But, why do many people worry about something that has not happened?


天有不测之风云,人有旦夕之祸福;人生不如意事,十之八九;一个人如果一直都把注视力置于负面与消极的事情上,他每天的日子肯定会过得非常悲哀、痛苦、可怜,对这样的人而言,人间简直像阴间,生不如死。人生要过得有意义,我们必须专注于正面与积极的事,为十之一二的如意事开心,为旦夕之福而感恩;这样一来,我们的生命就会有喜乐与满足,活在世上犹如活在天上,好得无比!~ Jonathan Ooi

Sunday, March 20, 2011


“一个自卑的人很怕失去面子或他的成就没有被肯定,所以,他会千方百计贬低别人或他得不到的东西的价值,为的是要提升他自己的价值。” ~ Jonathan Ooi

Saturday, March 19, 2011

If Tomorrow Never Comes... what would you do today?

Friday, March 18, 2011

The best way to learn....

“最佳的学习方法就是问,学习如何问本身是一门很深的学问,也是一种艺术。The best way to learn is to ask, learning how to ask is itself a profound knowledge and an art.” ~ Jonathan Ooi

About yours and mine!

‎"我的就是我的-自私;你的也是我的-无理;我的也是你的-慷慨;你的就是你的-应该。What is mine is mine - selfish; what is yours is mine - ridiculous; what is mine is yours - generous; what is yours is yours - proper. " ~ Jonathan Ooi

Thursday, March 17, 2011

A Management Quote...

‎"Many top level policies are sound, but when transmitted down the levels and eventually implemented at the operational level, they might simply turn out to be so different from what was originally intended. Usually, the policymakers know nothing about such disparities." ~ Jonathan Ooi


“对一个懂得自爱、自律的人而言,学好学坏全是个人的选择; 近朱者赤,近墨者不黑则赤,出污泥而不染,不同流合污。”~ Jonathan Ooi

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


“忠言总是难以入耳,好话总是难以出口; 良药为何总是苦口,营养食物总不可口; 不良嗜好爱不释手,好的习惯难以上手; 道路崎岖没人想走,成功滋味人人享受; 人人苦苦想要出头,吃苦偏偏不肯忍受。” ~ Jonathan Ooi

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

A Quote for ReadFlection...

‎"People tend to get carried away and lose focus as they carry on doing something so routinely without constantly revisiting the original intents and purposes with which they started." ~ Jonathan Ooi

Power of Your Love

Monday, March 14, 2011

Elton John - Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word - 1976


"Knowing how to use the three magic words, "Please!", "Thank you!" and "Sorry!" appropriately enhances the quality and value of our communications and interpersonal relationships." ~ Jonathan Ooi

In reality, too many people take too many things for granted in their material pursuits, that they forget the basic values and virtues in life. The quote is intended to encourage and inspire.

"While pursuing the 5C-dream, many people have suffered from the 5K-Syndrome." ~ Jonathan Ooi (Note: 5Cs=Cash, Condo, Credit cards, Cars and Children; 5Ks= Ka-Ki-Ko-Ka-Ki (in Hokkien dialect which literally means each one for himself.)

Sunday, March 13, 2011

A Life Quote for your ReadFlection...

"Life is short, live the life you love, and love the life you live." 人生短暂,过你所爱的生活,并爱你所过的生活~ Jonathan Ooi


一个人的学习心态犹如水的三个状态:(一)一成不变型 - 处于固体的状态:他的学习心态是冰冷、僵硬与定型,对学习没有兴趣,也不想做任何适当的调整;(二) 随机应变型 - 处于液体的状态:他的学习心态是很有求新、求变的特质的,他会随着周遭的环境与需要改变自己,学习更新而变化,但是,他会保持一个明确的方向与目标;(三)随波逐流型 - 处于气体的状态:他的学习心态是无所定向的,心血来潮就很兴奋地学,之后就半途而废,他会随波逐流,别人学什么,他也要学什么,结果上了很多课程,但是却一事无成!

Saturday, March 12, 2011



《 圣经新译本》马太福音, 第二十四章
3 耶稣坐在橄榄山上,门徒暗中前来问他:“请告诉我们,什么时候会有这些事呢?你的降临和这世代的终结,有什么预兆呢?” 4 耶稣回答他们:“你们要小心,不要被人迷惑; 5 因为许多人要假冒我的名而来,说:‘我就是基督’,并且要迷惑许多的人。 6 你们要听见战争,也听见战争的风声;你们要小心,不要惊慌,因为这是免不了的,不过结局还没有到。 7 一个民族要起来攻打另一个民族,一个国家要起来攻打另一个国家,到处都有饥荒和地震, 8 这一切不过是痛苦的开始。 9 那时人要把你们送去受苦,也要杀害你们,你们要因我的名被万民恨恶。 10 那时许多人会失去信仰,彼此出卖,互相恨恶; 11 也有许多假先知出现,要迷惑许多人。 12 因为不法的事增加,许多人的爱心就冷淡了。 13 唯有坚忍到底的,必然得救。 14 这天国的福音要传遍天下,向万民作见证,然后结局才来到。

May God's Amazing Grace be upon the Tsunami victims and their loved ones!



Never use resignation as a threat....

An executive thought she was indispensable, wanting to negotiate better terms with her boss, wrote a resignation letter and left it in her drawer. When the boss was about to pass by her desk, she opened the drawer wide to expose that letter. The boss was surprised but kept quiet. She thought the boss didn't notice it and repeated the action another day. This time, the boss said, "Give that letter to me. You may go."

Friday, March 11, 2011

Ispaghula husk is rich in both soluble and insoluble fibre.

A good and healthy diet should contain 25 to 35 grammes of dietary fibre daily. Dietary fibre plays an important role in improving and sustaining a healthy body. Dietary fibre helps to eliminate harmful waste from the body. Dietary fibre is abundant in whole grains, pulses, vegetables and fruits. However, some people consumed only about 10 to 15 grams daily. Dietary fibre is a complex carbohydrate. It is the part of a plant that cannot be digested by human.

Fibre is not an essential nutrient; it contains no calories, no vitamins and no minerals. However it helps to eliminate harmful waste from the body. There are two categories of fibre: soluble and insoluble. Soluble fibres are viscous, gel-forming fibres that dissolve in the water, and include pectins, gums and mutilages. Insoluble fibre does not dissolve in water and includes cellulose and lignin, which make up plant cell walls. Both fibres are important for healthy body. Ispaghula husk is rich in both soluble and insoluble fibre.

Tung Hoon Soup with Xiao Bai Cai, Chicken Franks, Minced Pork, Egg and Chilli Padi

Don't think that you are indispensable!

An executive thought she was indispensable, wanting to negotiate better terms with her boss, wrote a resignation letter and left it in her drawer. When the boss was about to pass by her desk, she opened the drawer wide to expose that letter. The boss was surprised but kept quiet. She thought the boss didn't notice it and repeated the action another day. This time, the boss said, "Give that letter to me. You may go."

Thursday, March 10, 2011

I don't think my parents love me...

One day, a 12-year-old girl told me, "I don't think my parents love me. All they know is work, work and work. They don't spend time with me. They do give me money, but what I want is love!". 有一天,一个12岁的女孩告诉我:“我觉得我的父母都不爱我。他们只会拼命工作,都没时间陪我。虽然他们有给我钱,但我要的是爱!”

Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Quote of the Day

"A visiting tourist sees and hears the good things of a country, but a residing tourist sees and hears the real things." “来访的游客所听闻的都是一个国家美好的一面;但是,居留的游客所听闻的却是一个国家真实的一面。”~ Jonathan Ooi

Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Happy International Women's Day!

To all my female readers, Happy International Women's Day to you with appreciation and respect. "WOMEN" incidentally is an acronym for "Water, Oxygen, Minerals, Enzymes and Nutritions". They are all vital to health. Men certainly can't live without "WOMEN". Cheers to all WOMEN!

Monday, March 07, 2011

Beautiful whilte clouds against the blue sky! That is the beauty of nature.

Roasted Pork

Sunday, March 06, 2011


"在对的时间做错的事情是浪费时间;在错的时间做对的事情是白费心机;在错的时间做错的事情是大错特错;在对的时间做对的事情是大有智慧!" ~ Jonathan Ooi

Saturday, March 05, 2011

A Quote on Life

人生好比各色的菜肴,有酸甜苦辣不同的味道,而每一种味道都有它的特点,对身体有益,令我们回味无穷;我们的一生都会有酸甜苦辣不同的人生经历,每一种经历对我们的成长都是有益的,所以要用感恩的心去经历与学习。 Our lives are like dishes with different flavours. Each flavour is unique and leaves a good lingering after-taste; similarly, our lives comprise different types of challenges and each of them is useful to our growth. So, we should embrace them with a thankful heart and enjoy the experience. ~ Jonathan Ooi

Friday, March 04, 2011

A Quote on Leadership...

"A great leader consciously surrounds himself with people who are consistently the best in their respective fields; he does not feel intimidated by their strong mental capability and capacity." ~ Jonathan Ooi

Thursday, March 03, 2011

Chicken Soup with Spinach, Mushrooms and Eggs

Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Bak-Kut-Teh Chicken

Tuesday, March 01, 2011

潘秀瓊 ~ 感谢神