"Sky Fruit"Immunity BoosterHealthy KidneyStudent MotivationMLM Book

ReadFlection ...

This is a personal blog aimed at sharing useful information, pictures and videos with those who believe in lifelong learning.

Copyright © 2005-2014 by Jonathan Ooi. All Rights Reserved. No part of this blog may be reproduced in any form by any means without the prior consent of the author.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Revisit your dreams, goals and purpose

Are you beginning to drag your feet to school or to work? If so, you might be slowly losing your passion for your studies or for work. Simply speaking, you are losing fire, the fire is no longer burning intensely in your belly. This is usually a tell-tale sign that you might have either reached the peak of your success or you might be in the valley of your non-performance.

The most important thing to do is to revisit the dreams and goals you have set for yourself before, recall those moments when you first set those goals, the level of enthusiasm you had then, and rekindle it once again. Recall the purpose of what you are doing and reaffirm the purpose.

If you have reached the peak of your success, congratulations to you! It is time to set new and higher goals and bigger dreams for yourself. In terms of career, if there is no more opportunity for advancement, then you might want to consider looking out of your existing company for better growth prospects.

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Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Seize the opportunity!

"Opportunities are there when you least expect them or when you don't need them. So, learn to see and seize them immediately!" ..... by Jonathan Ooi

When you don't need a job, job opportunities are a dime a dozen; but when you are desperately looking for one, you can't find one that suits you.

Looking forward, you should constantly look out for opportunities even though you might be still doing well in your current job. Who knows? You might land yourself in a better job with better prospects and remuneration.

Best wishes to you!

Note: These quotes are original and copyrighted by Jonathan Ooi. However, do feel free to use them as long as credit is given to the author at the end of every quote.

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Why is there a shortage of engineers?

There seems to be a shortage of engineers now. I believe there are a few reasons.

First of all, engineering course is very tough by nature, as tough as most secondary students find Science and Maths. Many tend to shy away from this course if other easier choices are available.

Secondly, engineering course is demographically dominated by males, most females would tend not to opt for it unless engineering is in their genes or they have a natural inclination towards technical things.

Thirdly, though tough to study, engineering course provides solid grounding education that makes its students versatile in their future career development. Engineering graduates can take on many different career options by choice or by circumstance such as recession.

Lastly, engineering graduates seem to lose advantage in terms of recognition and remuneration as compared to their counterparts in sales and marketing or administration and finance because technical people usually lack good communications and interpersonal skills. Hence, they tend to be ''invisible'' to their superiors.

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Monday, September 28, 2009

Home-made "Crispy Prawn Chilli" Noodles...

You can make a bowl of delicious "Crispy Prawn Chilli" noodle (dried) easily and instantly at home.

The Crispy Prawn Chilli, as seen in the picture above (Usual price: S$3.25) is made from dried shrimps and chilli fried together, and is available in certain supermarkets. Just buy the plain instant noodles, Koka brand is recommended, five packets in one pack cost just S$1.25. Of course, you can use the normal instant noodles that come with the seasonings. But, you pay more for it.

The method of preparation: Boil the noodles, drain out the water, pour the noodles into a bowl, add some soy sauce, add one tablespoon of Crispy Prawn Chilli, mix well and serve. You can add other ingredients such as vegetables, prawns etc as you prefer.

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Sunday, September 27, 2009

A job worth doing is worth doing well!

As the saying goes, ''A job worth doing is worth doing well''. Indeed, if we don't do a job well, we might as well not do it in the first place.

It is very much like a clock or watch, if it can't display accurate time, it is better that it stops working totally because a non-working clock at least shows accurate time twice a day. If it is to work, it better shows the time accurately.

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Saturday, September 26, 2009

So, you want to be a work-at-home mom?

So You Desperately Want to Become a Full Time Work At Home Mom (or Dad!) - But You're Not Sure Where to Begin or How to Keep the Home Business AND the Home Life Thriving Under the Same Roof.

Here is an Easy-To-Follow Common Sense System That Will Have You Earning Regular Pay Cheques From Home ... FAST

For more, click >>HERE

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"The Ultimate Study Secrets!"

Why Settle For Failing Exams, Or Just Scraping By When You Can Ethically Score a Whopping 92% OR MORE By Simply Applying "The Ultimate Study Secrets!" Thousands Of Students Want This Guide.

Click Here!


Quick and Easy Essay Writing for Kids

Fastest, Most Effective Way To Teach Writing. Guaranteed! Complete Writing Program - Proven Methods - Perfect For Teachers, Homeschool Parents & Families -Transforms Children Into Accomplished Authors - From Sentences To Complete Essays Quickly & Easily!

Click Here!


4Cs to becoming a good neighbour!

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Friday, September 25, 2009

"Dogs are more grateful than humans", said the old folks.

Dogs are traditionally deemed faithful companions of men. They are being usefully and dutifully employed to run errands and do various appointed tasks such as guarding the house, sniffing out drugs, weapons and suspects, guiding the blind, guarding the flock, etc. They are grateful creatures, too.

A couple of years ago, when a friend of mine went overseas for holidays for 10 days, I was asked to help take care of this Pomeranian in the owner's home. Even with that short stint, the dog has never forgotten me for what I have done for him. Why do I say that?

Each time when I visit the family, not very often though, this dog will come running to me at the gate, standing up on two legs with the front legs reaching up to me. It would always hang around me when I am there as if trying to tell me that he missed me so much.

You might think that is the friendly nature of Pomeranian, but reportedly, this dog is unfriendly towards a couple of the family members who have been unfriendly towards him. If this dog could speak, it might say, "I am just doing unto you what you have done unto me, it is just an eye for an eye!" Dogs are human-like.

Many old folks used to say, "Dogs are more grateful than humans", or "keeping dogs is better than bringing up children", especially when their children behave ungratefully or take things for granted. I think there is much truth in what they say.

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Thursday, September 24, 2009

Do your best even with the second best!

There are times when we might not get our best choice of things but have to setttle for the second best. When such a situation arises, we can have two responses to dealing and living with the second best.

One, we can take it negatively, lamenting about it all the time, simply could not get over the feeling of disappointment of not getting the best choice. Such lousy and pessimistic feeling obviously would encourage lousy outcome as no positive energy and effort would be keenly directed to get the best out of the second best. We will always be in a state of agony, anguish, self-denial and self-withdrawal.

On the other hand, if we were to take it positively and gratefully, the outcome would be entirely different. We would learn to accept the second best choice as a good choice nonetheless, take it as a new challenge and direct our resources to work on it with the best of our attitude and ability to make sure that we get the most out of the accepted choice. In this way, even the second best could be turned into the best.

In fact, settling for the second best and working through it with a positive mindset provides more discovering and learning opportunities. So, in future, even if you don't get your best choice, tell yourself, ''it is okay!''. Who knows? It might be just a blessing in disguise!

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Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Don't scratch where there is no itch!

A story was told of John (not his real name), a working executive who was trying to be helpful and hence volunteered himself to serve his colleague's clients when the colleague was going on a holiday trip. On a separate occasion, he stood in for his colleague when the latter's child was sick.

But, one day, when John was leaving for a family holiday trip, his colleague refused to stand in for him at work even in the last minutes before his departure. John, being desperate and angry, reminded him of how much he had helped him in the past, but was to be curtly told, ''You volunteered yourself, I didn't ask you for help. Even without your help, I would have managed it myself''.

Of course, John felt that his colleague was very ungrateful. But, he learnt a lesson that day - Don't scratch where there is no itch. Similarly, don't try to be too smart, sometimes!


Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Swietenia Mahogany (or sky fruit) extract in capsule form...

Good news for those find it too bitter to chew the Swietenia Mahogany seeds, capsules are available. If you are new to this seed, please click on the title link and read more about its health benefits.

Frankly, not everyone likes the bitter taste to linger on the tongue for several hours of the day. The extracts encapsulated in vegetable capsules are a good way to get around this "bitter" problem.

The capsules are available at S$90 per bottle with 60 capsules, good for two months' supply.

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Monday, September 21, 2009

Do NOT be fooled by what some people say!

Have you been told by your classmates that they did not do well in their examination papers but turned out otherwise, or been told by some of your friends that they are so broke but turned out otherwise? They simply have a different benchmark or yardstick to measure the performance.

During my varsity days, when I was staying in the hostels, I had a roommate who was a brilliant scholar, there were several occasions when after taking his examinations, he came back to the room, dropped flat on his bed feeling so down and out, and would start lamenting about how badly he just did in his examination paper. I would usually try to give him words of comfort and encouragement. But, when the results were released, he still got As. I used to have some classmates who always tell me they have not finished their revision for the examinations or they have done badly in the examinations or they do not understand a certain topic, but their results always turned out otherwise.

Do not be fooled by this kind of classmates, sometimes, they are just telling lies. They just do not want others to study harder than they do, perhaps. They are simply competitive and secretive when it comes to studies and examinations. They just want to keep something to themselves the way businessmen keep their trade secrets to themselves, to maintain the competitive edge against their competitors.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Some errors in translation work...

I have some interesting points to make about this notice pasted on buses, with regards to the usage of the language. I can't comment on the Tamil version as I don't read Tamil.

The Chinese version says, "In emergency, use the hammer to break the glass window." But, in the English and Malay version, there is no mention of the word "emergency".

The English version uses the term, "Window glass", it is correct because the glass is what is to be broken during emergency. There is a difference between window glass and glass window. Window glass is a glass fitted on the window; glass window is a window made of glass. But, the Chinese and Malay version translate "Window glass" into "glass window".

Though most people would still understand what the notice means, but I think it would be good to be formal, proper and consistent when it comes to the usage of languages especially in the official context.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Save one litre of water with every full flush!

Here is a water-saving tip I have implemented for a few months now and the water consumption has come down noticeably.

The normal cistern tank fills about 9 litres of water, and so every full flush flushes away 9 litres of water. All you need to do is get a one-litre drinks bottle, fill it up with water, and close the lid. Just place it right at the bottom of the tank, make sure it does not obstruct the movement of the float.

From now on, every full flush would use just 8 litres of water. You save one litre per flush. Calculate how many litres of water you can save every day and every month.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Don't change for the sake of changing!

To be good in English, one has to learn the rules and grammars of English, to be good in Mathematics, one needs to memorise the multiplication table and understand the number system. There are those who tell students not to memorise things. Simply ignore them. Instead, politely ask them to remember the multiplication table or poems without memorising!!! To be good in Chinese Language, one has to learn to recognise and write every unique Chinese character and learn the Chinese grammars. All these are called the FUNDAMENTALS.

As time goes by, with the advent of new technology and cutting-edge audio-visual equipment, changes can be made to the method of teaching these subjects but the fundamentals should not be touched or altered as any change to the fundamentals can be disastrous to the outcome of learning.

There was a period of time when English grammar was not specifically taught in schools, the standard of English was obviously affected. Since 2001, the schools have reverted to the teaching of English grammar as informed by the relevant department in its reply to my letter to the press.

Similarly, for the Chinese Language, there was a period of time when almost the entire passage in the Chinese text was written in han-yu-pin-yin (Chinese phonetics) with very few Chinese characters. What is Chinese without the Chinese characters? I thought that is simple common sense. Thankfully, since some years ago, that has also been rectified and replaced with character recognition which was a fundamental that should not have been changed in the first place.

I am an advocate of change. We must embrace change, make no mistake about it, but don't change for the sake of changing. Don't try to be too smart to change even the fundamentals. We have to be clear about what to change and what not to. To have a clear discernment on what to change, one need not be professorial or scholastic, but discretionary, down-to-earth and practical in recommendation and implementation.

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Thursday, September 17, 2009

Naturo® Colon Health

Just a quick check ...
Alternative practitioners often ask clients about their stool as part of their assessment. Check out your stool everyday. It should typically leave the body in good shape and floating. Rapidly sinking stool can indicate that a person is NOT eating enough fibre-rich foods, such as vegetables, fruits, and whole grains, or drinking enough water. This stool is often dark because they have been sitting in the intestines for a prolonged time.

Are you Eating Enough Dietary Fibre Everyday?
A good healthy diet should contain 25 to 35 grams of dietary fibre daily. Dietary fibre plays an important role in improving and sustaining a healthy body. Dietary fibre helps to eliminate harmful waste from the body. Dietary fibre is abundant in whole grains, pulses, vegetables and fruits. However, some people consumed only about 10 to 15 grams daily.

What is Dietary Fibre?
Dietary fibre is a complex carbohydrate. It is the part of a plant that cannot be digested by human. Fibre is not an essential nutrient; it contains no calories, no vitamins and no minerals. However it helps to eliminate harmful waste from the body. There are two categories of fibre: soluble and insoluble. Soluble fibres are viscous, gel-forming fibres that dissolve in the water, and include pectins, gums and mutilages. Insoluble fibre does not dissolve in water and includes cellulose and lignin, which make up plant cell walls. Both fibres are important for healthy body.

Ispaghula husk is rich in both soluble and insoluble fibre.

Why is Dietary Fibre Important?
  • Soluble Fibre promotes healthy colon: It supports the gentle cleansing of colon helps our body to eliminate health-threatening harmful waste that arises from poor diet. It also helps to reduce cholesterol and piles naturally.
  • Insoluble Fibre promotes gentle bowel movements: It helps to bulk up stook and spreads the passage of waste through the colon.
  • Lack of dietary fibre may cause digestive disorders and colon problems

Read more >>> about the natural dietary fibre.
To buy Naturo® Colon Health, the natural dietary fibre, click HERE.

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Contentment breeds happiness

Do you realise that happiness is something that is seemingly fast vanishing from the surface of the earth, so much so that we always include the word ''Happy'' in most of our well wishes?

Take a moment to think about this, we say, Happy Birthday, Happy New Year, Merry (Happy) Christmas, Happy Hari Raya, Happy Deepavali, Happy Anniversary, Happy Father's Day, Happy Mother's Day, Happy children's Day, Happy Teachers' Day, Happy Reading, Happy Exploring etc.

It appears to be something everyone needs in almost every occasion, but ironically it is also something everyone lacks and is searching hard for in a world that is full of bad news everyday as you flip the newspaper, turn on your TV or open your internet browser.

So, my friend, be happy always. The way to happiness is contentment as contentment breeds happiness. Be happy with and thankful for what you are and what you have. Cheers!

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Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Feel the sea breeze! Relax yourself.


It is okay to tell the truth

I was impressed in a negative way though, with this guy who twisted his mind so quickly. Initially, he was very interested in my book, he even held it in his hand, thinking it was free. But, when I told him it was for sale, he immediately told me, ''Oh! My children are all grown up already!''. What a way to wiggle himself out of a situation like this. But, he was telling a lie. The children's school shoes gave it away.

Lesson: It is alright to tell the truth, there is nothing to lose. By telling a lie, his character has already been tainted and tarnished somehow.

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Tuesday, September 15, 2009

"God has not promised skies always blue"

This is a hymn we used to sing - "God has not promised skies always blue". Below are the lyrics which are very comforting and reassuring especially when one is going through rough trying times in life:

God hath not promised skies always blue,
Flower strewn pathways all our lives through;
God hath not promised sun without rain,
Joy without sorrow, peace without pain.


But God hath promised strength for the day,
Rest for the labor, light for the way,
Grace for the trials, help from above,
Unfailing sympathy, undying love.

God hath not promised we shall not know
Toil and temptation, trouble and woe;
He hath not told us we shall not bear
Many a burden, many a care.


God hath not promised smooth roads and wide,
Swift, easy travel, needing no guide;
Never a mountain rocky and steep,
Never a river turbid and deep.


You can find the music HERE.

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Dare to be different

Most people usually like to follow herd instincts, and they tend to do what most others do, and seldom have a mind of their own. For example, most students would usually choose a course of study that is popularly chosen by many of his or her peers or friends. But, sometimes, that might be a wrong choice. It is important to know what we want.

In reality, what majority of people do might not be right all the time, we should be more discerning and use our personal discretion to make the right choice for ourselves. Dare to be different at times. This is how we might break new grounds, learn new things and achieve new personal success.

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Monday, September 14, 2009

Juggling and balancing acts are an ART!

There are some people who just do one job and still can't do it well; but then, there are some who are handling so many things and yet they juggle and manage them so efficiently that they do well in all areas.

I have spoken to some working moms who are doing well at work and are cool moms to their children at home, some even teach their children and do the housework themselves without any domestic helper. I am always impressed with such mothers. I can assure you that it is not easy to do that speaking as a father of three.

Another group that I am very impressed with are the working adults who take up part-time study programmes or courses in the evening after work. Many of them even have families with young children. Basically, they have to juggle their work demands with family and studies. These people are simply superb.

Such juggling and balancing acts are an art, not science. They require the soft skills that are developed with a tough mind, strong discipline and dogged determination.

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Sunday, September 13, 2009

A riddle to tease your brain...

What is greater than God, more evil than the devil and if you take it, you will die? Check your answer by clicking on the title link.

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What doctors don't tell you!

Most of us have been conditioned to think that once one gets diabetes or has high blood pressure, the person would be handed a life sentence, there is no cure but to use the medications as prescribed by the medical doctors or healthcare professionals for life, to bring the medical conditions under control. Medications must continue or else the condition would revert.

You might be pleased to note that there are many health challenges such as diabetes, high cholesterol level, that have been reversed through taking some very natural traditional foods such as Swietenia Mahaogany seeds (or "Sky Fruit" seeds), Bitter melon seeds, Petai (stinking beans), Brazil Mushroom, etc within a reasonably short period of time, and achieved full recovery.

This is what your doctors do not tell you usually because they might not be trained in this area and that there is presumably a conflict of interest as far as their profession is concerned.

Many of these traditional natural foods have been made into capsules that are easy to consume. For more information, click on the title link.

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Saturday, September 12, 2009

Red Snapper for frying or steaming...

This cut of Red Snapper costs about S$3.50, and is good for frying and fresh enough for steaming.

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Friday, September 11, 2009

Parents always mean well!

Besides taking care of the physical well-being of the children, parents also carry the heavy responsibility of teaching them the right values and guiding them onto the right path.

No parents would want to see their children going astray, doing the wrong things and suffering from the consequences of their unconsidered actions.

As a result, parents would always tell their children all the dos and don'ts in life. But, children being young and inexperienced tend to think that parents are nagging at them. So, they retaliate by not listening and sometimes even trying to do the exact opposite. Many parents sometimes feel so helpless. But, little do the children know and understand how much their actions and behaviours have saddened the hearts of their own parents.

So, children, listen to your parents. Parents always have your best interest at heart. They mean well. They are seen to be nagging because they care for you and they love you. So, listen to them. You have nothing to lose but everything to gain.

Incidentally, today is September 11. During the 911 incident, there were those who lost their loved ones. I am sure many of those children who have lost their parents would wish that they had listened to their parents more, and they certainly don't mind their parents nagging at them, if at all, the parents were still alive today!

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Thursday, September 10, 2009

A large tentage for the Seventh-Month-Celebration (Hungry Ghosts Festival) up in about 5 hours. Amazing!

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Reflections for Workaholics and ''Biblioholics'

In a fast-paced, competition-driven and result-oriented society like ours, rarely do we find someone who is not stressed at work, in school or at home.

Parents and working adults have to work unusually long hours, responding to the demands at the workplace where cost-cutting exercises are an ongoing affair especially against the backdrop of economic downturn. Workload has increased inevitably and for those who still need the job, he or she will have to bite the bullet and move on. Most are stressed and burnt out at the end of the day. Some have simply become workaholics. Workaholics are those who work without a clear and balanced purpose.

Children or students, though not subject directly to the impact of economic downturn are faced with ever-rising expectations to excel academically, from schools and parents. Performance standards have been raised unduly high over the years as studies have become a competitive game. Students have to spend long hours in school and at home coping with studies, homework, assessments, tuitions, tests and examinations and the co-curricular activities or CCAs.

Such heavy school loads have caused many students to be spiralled into a tunnel self-denial, helplessness and even depression. Some are on the verge of giving up, some are suffering from mental stress and still some have chosen to take their own lives at such a young age. As a whole, student don't like to study and don't enjoy going to school. In my own language, they don't like to be ''biblioholics''. They resort to drowning themselves in the sea of computer games the same way many adults get themselves drowned in alcohol.

The problems are real. We have to face the problems squarely by reflecting on our individual purpose in life. What do we want in life? What justifies our existence? Is work or study our only purpose and pursuit in life? Are there better alternatives? At the end of it all, don't get blinded and trapped in a rat race or brain race.

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Wednesday, September 09, 2009

When it comes to work, there is no friendship

Many elderly people, speaking from their experience, believe that it is best not to work for friend or someone we know or are close to. I think there is some truth in what they believe and say.

In fact, when it comes to work, it is always good to keep the working relationship formal and at arm's length because when it gets too close, it might create a conflict of interest and problems will start to surface. It will eventually make it hard for both parties to work together, in some cases, the friendship even ceases as a result of that soured working relationship.

The reason is that when working relationship gets too close, it is usually hard for both parties to differentiate between friendship and work. I remember one of my superiors always said, "When it comes to work, there is no friendship." When I just started work, I thought he was so unfriendly and arrogant. But now, I think he was right.

When friendship is being brought into work, usually the work performance and results might be compromised. And when something goes wrong, usually the superior will find it hard to reprimand or tell the subordinate off.

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Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Al-Mawaddah Mosque - a mosque without fence

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Live one day at a time with ...

Many health or fitness fanatics who run a few kilometres every evening, working out regularly in the gyms, watching a strict diet and even counting the calories for every meal they eat, tend to think confidently that they would never get any disease or they would be the last to get any sickness, but sometimes, it is hard to say.

Reportedly, there are people who fit the above description perfectly but suffer from clogging of arteries, heart seizure and some have even collapsed while running. There was a young executive while working out in a gym during lunch hour, dropped dead. A doctor told me that some of his patients who look slim and fit die even earlier than some who are overweight. I know of a lady who avoids oil and takes strong discipline in her diet but suffers from heart disease.

I am not discouraging people from doing physical exercises or watching their daily diets, but many of us have a natural tendency to get carried away when doing something we like, and hence carry it to the extreme. Even a rubber band that is so elastic would snap when stretched to the extreme or beyond its limit.

I believe, as in all things, practise the principle of moderation and maintain a healthy body, peaceful mind and sound spirit. Anything that is good when overdone becomes counterproductive or yields diminishing return and sometimes no return.

Do physical exercise regularly. Exercice self-restraint and self-control at the same time. Be appreciative and thankful for what we have. Help others if we have the means and resources. Be at peace with ourselves and with others around us.

Live one day at a time with love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.

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Picnic Ham at S$3.65 for 500g... (not halal!)

For those who like ham to go with bread, here is the budget buy where 500g is sold at S$3.65 at FairPrice Supermarkets.

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Monday, September 07, 2009

The new rear tyre of my iron-horse...

Just replaced the rear tyre of my iron-horse for S$10. It claims to be "Long Life Design", but I am wondering how long it will last knowing that today, things are no longer made to last.

The Significance of the Number 40...

In life, when you turn 40...
  • Mid-life crisis starts creeping in.
  • You are considered "elderly" because you qualify for the Eldershield, a long-term care insurance plan.
  • You are no longer the preferred candidate in job interviews.
  • You would find it hard to get employed because for the same pay, the company could employ two or three younger persons
  • You could see further because you have become far-sighted. You need reading glasses now!
  • You begin to see belly popping out because there is not much fire in the belly now!
  • You realise that good health cannot be taken for granted, so you become more health-conscious, you start exercising and watching your diets more strictly.
  • You have been through the hardest part of life, and so you begin to take things easy.
  • You start colouring some parts of your body that have lost their natural colour or tone.

Fresh Chilli Padi sauce ... first of its kind

An extra hot chilli sauce made from fresh chilli padi for those who like hot and spicy sauce. It is available at FairPrice Supermarket (available at some outlets only) at S$2.75 per bottle.


Sunday, September 06, 2009

The "Turn Left On Red" sign puts the pedestrians at risk at this T-junction

The "Left Turn On Red" sign might not be safe to be implemented in all the traffic junctions. Look at the picture above, the main road is "green light" now, the white truck stops at the outer lane of the minor road because it is "red light". But, the vehicle in the first lane of the minor road is able to turn left according to the sign "Left Turn On Red".

Imagine a pedestrian is now crossing the road from the right side of the picture, he has the right of way because the pedestrian crossing light shows "green man". But, the white truck (and often big buses because this junction is near the Hougang Central Interchange) is blocking his field of vision and the pedestrian might not be able to see the vehicle that is turning left on red. This is where the pedestrian is at risk of being knocked down even though he has the right of way. Similarly, the vehicle on the first lane also has the right of way as the sign allows the vehicle in the first lane to turn left on red.

I have contacted the Land Transport Authority (LTA) to review this case on safety ground. The "Turn Left On Red" sign should be removed at least for this junction. The same sign implemented at other similar junctions throughout the island should be reviewed as well.

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Saturday, September 05, 2009

Let pedestrians be the Path Finders...

In all housing estates in Singapore, concrete pavements are laid for pedestrians. But, these pavements are done very systematically and structuredly based on the blueprints created on the drawing board in the design office.

In reality, for practical reasons, pedestrians tend to find the shortest route as their preferred path. As a result, they usually bypass the concrete pavements originally laid for them and start threading their own path. Over a period of time, a new path begins to show up and take shape.

This is testament to what the Chinese say, "路是人走出来的" - pronounced simply as "lu shi ren zou chu lai de". Literally, it means that roads were trampled out by people; figuratively, it means that one need not "stick to the beaten path." Create your own way. Be a "trail blazer".

Therefore, it would be a more practical option not to lay the pavement too early initially, let nature take its course, i.e. let the pedestrians "trample out" or thread the path that they prefer, once the path has taken shape, the contractor could then proceed to lay the pavement accordingly. This will ensure that the pavement is practically laid and fully utilised.


Friday, September 04, 2009

Traditional Chinese Wedding Costumes

The unfair and unforgiving side of humans...

Guo Liang, an actor and renowned host with Mediacorp, in the recent Channel U's last episode of CelebriTEA Break 2, revealed one of his childhood incidents when he was given a tight slap for forging his father's signature in the report card when he did not make the grade.

While still crying in pain because of the tight slap, his grandfather who had lost a pen presumed that he was the one who had stolen the pen, sternly asked him about the lost pen. He was very devastated by his grandfather's wrong accusation following his first dishonest act.

It shows that people are usually presumptuous and like to jump into conclusion before getting the facts right. For the one wrong we once did or mistake made, we might be condemned forever as a result, the stigma always stands out and the label always stays. People are cruelly unfair and unforgiving!

The cruel side of the society and of the world is reflected in the way society punishes the ex-convicts for life. It's a Catch 22 that many ex-convicts face as they try to find jobs. Some businesses use background checks to verify their previous employment or history. It shows the unfair and unforgiving side of humans.

Thursday, September 03, 2009

Home-made ice jelly...

It might not be a bad idea to take some ice jelly to cool ourselves down, especially when the weather has been getting unusually hot lately.

It is easy to make ice jelly at home, just buy the ice jelly powder, 25g pack costs S$1.55 and the 250g bottle costs S$8.30.

Put 25g of ice jelly powder into one litre of water, stir well and bring it to boil, add some sugar to taste, pour it into a container, cool it down and then refrigerate it. Squeeze some lime juice on it for better taste.

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Wednesday, September 02, 2009

It is all about PERCEPTION!

John, Jenny and Ben wanted to do an experiment about human perceptions. So, they came together and discussed a plan and tried it out on their colleague, Susan.

Susan, as usual, went to the office earlier than her colleagues. But, there was one morning, when John came in to the office, he looked at Susan and told her, "Susan, you look pale. Are you sick?" Susan would stare at John and quickly deny it.

Later in the morning, Jenny came along and casually asked Susan, "Susan, are you alright? You don't look too good today!". She might just reply, "I am okay?". But, in her mind, she would start to wonder if she was really sick because John asked her the same question earlier.

After lunch break, Ben walked past her cubicle and said, "Susan, are you not feeling well?" This time round, she would begin to believe that she was sick because three persons have said that she looked sick. Before the day ended, she had fallen sick!!! This is how the mind works.

It is said that in ancient China, a man went to tell the emperor that there was a tiger on the street, the emperor in the first instance, brushed it off and thought that the man was crazy. Later on, another man went to tell the emperor the same thing, the emperor then thought that there might be some truth in what the man said because he had heard it earlier on. Then, the third man came running and panting, told the emperor very seriously that there was a tiger on the street, this time round, the emperor believed it to be true.

Recent research about the perception of truth has found that when we hear something three times or more, we tend to accept it as truth.

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

"Anyone here who has never sinned can throw the first stone at her." said Jesus...

By our fallen nature, we tend to think highly of ourselves so much so that unconsciously and habitually, we like to criticise, scrutinise, judge, accuse and even condemn others on the wrongs they have done, even if they have nothing to do with us, but we just want to show how just or how good we are, hopefully to get them the punishment they deserve, or by the laws in those days, "to stone the accused to death".

But, I like this story told in the Bible, where Jesus was confronted with a tricky situation and how he handled it with such impressive superb wisdom, "Anyone here who has never sinned can throw the first stone at her."

Read the story appended below adapted from the New Century Version of the Holy Bible, John Chapter 8: verses 1-11.

The Woman Caught in Adultery

1 Jesus went to the Mount of Olives. 2 But early in the morning he went back to the Temple, and all the people came to him, and he sat and taught them. 3 The teachers of the law and the Pharisees brought a woman who had been caught in adultery. They forced her to stand before the people. 4 They said to Jesus, "Teacher, this woman was caught having sexual relations with a man who is not her husband. 5 The law of Moses commands that we stone to death every woman who does this. What do you say we should do?" 6 They were asking this to trick Jesus so that they could have some charge against him. But Jesus bent over and started writing on the ground with his finger. 7 When they continued to ask Jesus their question, he raised up and said, "Anyone here who has never sinned can throw the first stone at her." 8 Then Jesus bent over again and wrote on the ground. 9 Those who heard Jesus began to leave one by one, first the older men and then the others. Jesus was left there alone with the woman standing before him. 10 Jesus raised up again and asked her, "Woman, where are they? Has no one judged you guilty?" 11 She answered, "No one, sir." Then Jesus said, "I also don't judge you guilty. You may go now, but don't sin anymore."
So, the next time before we "throw a stone at someone" again, be very sure that we have not sinned or made any mistakes before. If we are honest with ourselves, we agree that we all have our blind spots that stop us from seeing our own mistakes and weaknesses clearly, but we always carry spotlights that expose others' weaknesses right on and we thought we could see them so clearly that we begin to criticise, scrutinise, judge, accuse and even condemn them.

As a result, we begin to think, behave and act like god and live a life we think is holier-than-thou. Prolonged indulgence in such attitudes and behaviours would rob us of our compassion for people and passion to help others who are facing challenges in their health, relationships, career, business, personal emotions, financial etc. Constant self-reflections and self-examinations would help us regain our mental, psychological and spiritual balance in life.