"Sky Fruit"Immunity BoosterHealthy KidneyStudent MotivationMLM Book

ReadFlection ...

This is a personal blog aimed at sharing useful information, pictures and videos with those who believe in lifelong learning.

Copyright © 2005-2014 by Jonathan Ooi. All Rights Reserved. No part of this blog may be reproduced in any form by any means without the prior consent of the author.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Effective Communications...

"A good and effective communicator doesn't just listen to the spoken words but picks up clues, unspoken words and even unexpressed thoughts through the body language of the other party." “一个良好和有效的沟通者不只是聆听对方所说的话,而且还懂得观察对方的肢体语言,从而觉察对方的暗示,话中之话,潜伏的讯息,甚至是没表达出来的思想。” ~ Jonathan Ooi

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Don't Criticise Them...

‎"As a superior, if you can't do better than your subordinates, don't criticise them; however, if you can do better than them, coach them." ~ Jonathan Ooi

“身为一名上司,若你不能做得比你下属更好,不要批评他们;若你能做得比他们好,就应该培训他们。” ~ Jonathan Ooi

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Our lives are like a song...

Our lives are like a song, there are high notes and low notes, and sometimes a rest. We have our ups and downs, sometimes we are faced with setbacks and calamities that press us down and hold us to a standstill. But, if we face them with positive attitudes, we will grow into a state of greater stability, confidence and maturity. All these make up the wonderful and melodious episodes in our lives. ~ Jonathan Ooi

人的一生犹如一首歌,有高音,有低音,有时还有休止符;我们的一生会有登峰造极的时候,也会有深跌谷底的时刻,有时还会遇到挫折与苦难,将我们压迫、停顿下来;但是,当我们以积极的心态去面对这些苦难之后,我们的人生就会进入一个更加稳健、自信、成熟的地步。这就成为了我们人生非常美妙的一部插曲!~ Jonathan Ooi

Friday, February 25, 2011

It all depends on our attitude...

Other than those things beyond our control, we have absolute control over every other thing in our lives; whether the outcome is good or bad, it all depends on the attitude and the way with which we handle it. ~ Jonathan Ooi

除了那些我们无法控制的事情以外,任何其他生活上的事情,都是在我们的掌控之中,结果是好是坏都取决于我们的处理心态与方式。~ Jonathan Ooi

Thursday, February 24, 2011

我問天 ~ 翁立友

A Quote on Faith, Hope and Love ~

"A little more faith is what you need to experience a miracle; a little more hope is all it takes to see a turn-around; and a little more love is all you need to see a happy outcome." ~ Jonathan Ooi

“多一点信心就能让你经历一个奇迹;多一点希望就能让你看到一个转机;以及多一点爱心就能让你有一个令人开心的结果。” ~ Jonathan Ooi

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Rejoicing in Good and Bad Times!

Rejoicing in good times is a given, anybody can do it; Rejoicing in bad times exudes a person's true values and virtues through self-restraint, is an outcome of passing the test and an outward expression of an abundant inner life, not everybody can do it. ~ Jonathan Ooi

在顺境中喜乐是很自然的,人人都做得到;在逆境中喜乐是攻克己身磨练得来的价值,是经得起考验的成果,是丰盛生命的流露,不是人人做得到的。~ Jonathan Ooi

Fried Fish Soup with Minced Pork, Spinach and Carrots


Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Unfilial children! “养子斩冬瓜”!


Once, there was a son who would insist that his father buy something home for him everyday after working in the field. Occasionally, it slips his mind, and the son would start throwing tantrums and become very furious. On one occasion, the father was too exhausted to stop by to buy something and so he hurried home to take a rest. While lying in bed, he had a premonition that his son would be in a fit of extreme rage. So, he quickly got up from his bed and went to get a huge winter melon and laid it in the bed over the place he was lying and covered it with his blanket. True enough, the son came with a chopper and forcefully chopped into the blanket, and the winter melon was cut into two. The ancient word has it that, "Raising children who chop the winter melon." - Unfilial children.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Be Thankful Always!

If you cry because you don't have a pair of shoes, stop for a moment and think, there are some who don't even have a pair of legs. So, always be thankful. ~ Jonathan Ooi

若你是为了没有一双鞋在哭,安静下来想一想,有些人是连一双脚都没有的。所以,要常常感恩。~ Jonathan Ooi

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Abalone in Oyster Sauce

Saturday, February 19, 2011



Different Standpoint. Different Views.

每个人的看法有所不同是因为立场与视角不同。我坚定,别人会认为我固执; 我温柔,别人会以为我懦弱,我自信,别人会认为我自大。~ Jonathan Ooi

We hold different views because our standpoints are different. When I am firm, others think I am stubborn; when I am gentle, weak; and when I am self-confident, arrogant. ~ Jonathan Ooi

Friday, February 18, 2011

蔡淳佳 ~ 陪我看日出

Thursday, February 17, 2011





Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Motivational Quotes ( Series-3 ) by Jonathan Ooi

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

周冰倩 ~ 真的好想你

Strive to Change for the Better...

"It's imperative that we constantly strive to change, but for the better,
not for worse." ~ Jonathan Ooi

Monday, February 14, 2011

在心里从此永远有个你 - 办桌二人组

黃乙玲 ~ 愛到才知痛

这一生回忆有你就足够 ~ 关泽楠

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Lean Pork with Salted Vegetables


“人生七大弱点:不知己、不知彼、不知恩、 不知福、不知耻、不知足与不知道。学习要点:知己知彼,百战百胜; 知恩报恩; 知福惜福; 知耻不作; 知足常乐; 知道行道。”~ Jonathan Ooi

Saturday, February 12, 2011

A Quote on Change...

“ 在这千变万化的世界里,求新,求变是求生的最佳途径!改变是唯一不变的进取精神!” ~ Jonathan Ooi

Friday, February 11, 2011

A Personal Effectiveness Quote...

"When it comes to work, it's either you fit into an organisation or you don't. If you don't fit in, don't force yourself, simply find another one where you could fit in. Don't try to be too ambitious and heroic to change the culture or structure of the organisation unless you are vested with the
authority to do so." ~ Jonathan Ooi

Thursday, February 10, 2011

A management quote for reflection...

"Too little thinking leads to ineffectiveness; too much thinking leads to
inefficiency." ~ Jonathan Ooi

Wednesday, February 09, 2011


新传媒八频道每晚七点都播放一套家喻户晓、没完没了的台湾连续剧,剧名为《爱》!有一天,有一位岳母匆忙地问她的女婿,“今晚几点做“爱”?” 女婿尴尬地问道,“岳母大人,我们几点做爱,你也要知道啊?”

Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Fried SABA Fillets and Fried Cabbage with Abalone Mushrooms

Monday, February 07, 2011

Back to work again...

The last few days of festive holidays and celebrations would have helped most of us relax, refresh and recharge. It's time to get back to study and work and business will be as usual. Wishing everyone a wonderful and fruitful week ahead. Have a Happy and Prosperous Lunar New Year blessed with good health, happiness and success!



Sunday, February 06, 2011

小凤凤 - 希望在新年

Saturday, February 05, 2011

庄学忠 - 有钱没钱过新年

Friday, February 04, 2011

May the year of the Golden Rabbit bring you Golden Opportunities in Life and at Work!

The Mandarin Orange is called "Kum" in most Chinese dialects, and in
Cantonese in particular, "Kum" sounds the same as "Gold". So, my dear
friends, may the 12 Mandarin Oranges bring you 12 months of Golden
opportunities in the year of the Golden Rabbit !

Thursday, February 03, 2011

兔年跑第一 - 龙飘飘 (卯兔2011年专用)

Note of Appreciation from a former adult student

简讯:《Dear Jonathan, 良师乃终身益友,不可须臾忘记,期盼他日再聆听您的点拨。 祝全家新年快乐。赵敏及家人》 - 这是一则来自赵敏先生的惊喜简讯,我们多年失去联络。赵敏是我十多年前的一名优秀成人学者,来自中国,在新加坡工作,同时晚间修读以英文为媒介的专业证书课程,他用心好学,为人谦逊,结果成为他那一届的金牌奖得主,难能可贵!多年的奋斗,如今赵敏已被升为一间国际闻名的跨国电子公司的经理!在此,我诚心地祝福他前途无量!

Wednesday, February 02, 2011

CNY 2011 Family Reunion Steamboat Dinner on 2 February

Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Have a Happy and Prosperous Lunar New Year 2011

Dear Friends, Happy Lunar New Year! May the year of the Rabbit bring you good health, happiness and prosperity. Please receive my greetings and blessings through the calligraphy (self-learnt) I have specially written for you. Hope you like it. God bless you and yours. 祝你一家大小“兔年进步,身心安康!”

各位朋友们,"让我们继续乘着虎年的生威,在兔年里身体安康、生气勃勃,事业“兔”飞猛进,在各个领域里以正当的“兔”径寻求“兔”破,得到“兔”如其来的成就,天天带着“兔”气扬眉的气质,积极、乐观地度过这美丽灿烂的辛卯年!" Quick translation: "May we continue to ride on the prowess of the Tiger and enter into the year of the Rabbit with good health, vitality and vibrancy, enjoying tremendous progress in our career and business, making breakthroughs in various fields through ethical means, enjoying unexpectedly great results; and living each day in the year of the Rabbit with enthusiasm, optimism and positive mindset."