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ReadFlection ...

This is a personal blog aimed at sharing useful information, pictures and videos with those who believe in lifelong learning.

Copyright © 2005-2014 by Jonathan Ooi. All Rights Reserved. No part of this blog may be reproduced in any form by any means without the prior consent of the author.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Mixed Porridge

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

FIVE Quotes for ReadFlection...

  1. ‎"Do not make any promise if we cannot or do not want to keep it." ~ Jonathan Ooi

  2. ‎"We should not judge a book by its cover, neither should we judge a person by his attire and look." ~ Jonathan Ooi

  3. ‎"Be upright, walk in the light and do the right things right, you will be able to stand tall before anyone." ~ Jonathan Ooi

  4. ‎"The amount of time we spend on something is proportional to the level of interest and importance we place on it." ~ Jonathan Ooi

  5. ‎"Doing something consistently everyday for years requires dogged determination, great patience and undiminishing passion." ~ Jonathan Ooi

Monday, May 16, 2011

Would you like a glass of homecooked Barley Water?

Sunday, May 15, 2011

We should think just right...

‎"When we think too highly or too lowly of ourselves, we will have nothing more to learn from others. So, we should think just right." ~ Jonathan Ooi

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Mee Sua Soup

Friday, May 13, 2011


《在自我提升与不断增长的成功道路上,我们必须学习放下事倍功半的陈旧做法,进而采纳更有效率、更具有创意与突破性的崭新做法以达成事半功倍的效果。》~ Jonathan Ooi

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Sambal Noodles with Minced Pork and Fried Egg

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Fish Ball Tung Hoon Soup

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

How about a bowl of Green Peas Soup?

Monday, May 09, 2011

DIY Shoe Repair

Sunday, May 08, 2011



Saturday, May 07, 2011

Singapore Prawn Noodles (Dry)

Friday, May 06, 2011

Five Quotes for ReadFlection...

  1. ‎"It's always good to give others a chance to prove themselves, or we'll never know how good or how bad they are." ~ Jonathan Ooi

  2. ‎"Whenever there is any chance for us to be kind and gracious to someone, do not miss it." ~ Jonathan Ooi

  3. ‎"Many plan to succeed, but few succeed in the plan." ~ Jonathan Ooi

  4. In this world, we have to understand and accept the fact that problems happen everywhere, every moment and to everyone to varying extent. Therefore, we will continue to "Rock in Problems (RIP)" until one day when we "Rest in Peace (RIP)". ~ Jonathan Ooi

  5. "Instead of coming up with 101 reasons why you can't make it, why not think of just one reason why you should make it." ~ Jonathan Ooi

Thursday, May 05, 2011

Is my vote really secret?

Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Water Cress Spare Ribs with Pig Maws

Tuesday, May 03, 2011


人生七有 ---《有始有终,有法必依,有错必纠,有备无患,有来有往,有情有义,有劳有逸》~ Jonathan Ooi


人生七无 ---《幼年无忧,童年无忌,少年无知,青年无暇,成年无量,中年无恙,老年无憾》~ Jonathan Ooi

Singapore's Local Hawker Foods 2011

Monday, May 02, 2011

Natural-in-Black Hair Cream - for Dandruffs, White/Grey Hair and Hair Loss.

Sunday, May 01, 2011

I had a dream,,,

I had a dream...

I dreamt that in Singapore, there was this established organisation named APP Co. In this company, the employees, most of whom hold high academic qualifications, have been working there for 46 years since the company's inception. They joined the company and helped build it up over the years. The bosses (shareholders and directors) were very accommodating and lenient.

One day, the employees decided that they should be paid $2.5 million salaries a year, they told the bosses why they should be paid so much and they went ahead to pay themselves. The bosses had no power at all to decide otherwise or stop them from doing so. Instead, the bosses are now made to work very hard to make their own ends meet and to pay the salaries of these employees.

What a dream I had... Now, I am awake! Goodness me... was that referring to the PAP (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/People's_Action_Party) government in Singapore???

The dream might have been inspired by the pending General Election 2011. Hahaha..>>>:)


  1. 《人生短暂,过得充实,不枉此生;时间有限,分秒必争,创造无限;机会不多,好好把握,切勿错过。》~ Jonathan Ooi

  2. 《活到老,学到老;,学无止境,但是最重要的是要学以致用,活学活用。》~Jonathan Ooi

  3. 《我们无论对人或对事,最好不要随意批评议论,乱下定论,或一概而论; 这对当事者很不公平,而且还会害了他。》 Jonathan Ooi

  4. 处于一个越来越“个人自扫门前雪”的社会,当路见不平时,你认为我们应该(1)拔刀相助,(2)袖手旁观,还是(3)仗势欺人?


《贵》与《令》都是敬词;意指“你的”。例如:贵国(Your country),贵校(Your school),贵姓?(May I know your name?),贵庚(Your age);令尊 (Your father),令堂 (Your mother),令嫒 (Your daughter)。不过,有些人常用错了,例如,“你的贵姓?” ,“你的贵庚?”,“你的令尊在家吗?”,“你的令堂近来好吗?”。。。~ Jonathan Ooi