Do you know?
According to Lao-tzu, the Chinese philosopher (604 BC - 531 BC) ...
"To know that you do not know is the best. To pretend to know when you do not know is a disease."
This is a personal blog aimed at sharing useful information, pictures and videos with those who believe in lifelong learning.
Copyright © 2005-2014 by Jonathan Ooi. All Rights Reserved. No part of this blog may be reproduced in any form by any means without the prior consent of the author.
According to Lao-tzu, the Chinese philosopher (604 BC - 531 BC) ...
An old man who farts at least 20 times a day, goes to his doctor and says, "Doctor, I fart a lot everyday. Since I've been here in your office, you didn't know I was farting because all my farts had neither smell nor sound."
I had the privilege of talking with a gentleman who has worked with SIA for the last 37 years. He has been awarded many Long Service Awards. Long Service Awards are typically presented to employees who work for at least five years with the same employer. A quick arithmetic would reveal that this gentleman should have received about seven such awards. Wow! It is impressive, isn't it?
As we know, it is not easy to listen. I mean listening attentively. What we should really learn to do and do best is to listen to others, really listen, instead of thinking what we want to say next. Think of how we can best help the next person.
Why do people lie? I have witnessed how people tell utterly blatant and contradicting lies!
Talking about changing habits, there are some habits that are hard to change on our own. We may need some external professional help. Certain professional services are available at the Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry in the Institute of Mental Health (IMH).